For Imparting Technical and Vocational Education to Youth from CHandrapur District Sarvodaya Mahila Manda lChandrapur has started Karamveer Kannamwar Industrial Training Institute at Netaji Chowk, Babupeth, Chandrapur. in the Year 2014.The Center is affiliated to DGET New Delhi and DVET Mumbai.As per the Trends Available and requirement of Skilled Man power two trades namely 1. Electrician and 2. Fitter has been started .
The Details about the Trades are as follows
Sr.No | Trade | Intake | Entry Qualification | Duration |
1 | Electrician | 21 | SSC Pass | 2 years |
2 | Fitter | 21 | SSC Pass | 2 years |
As per the Norms laid down by DGET New Delhi , DVET Mumbai and Quality Counsil of India New Delhi ,all the norms are fulfilled .Tool and machinery is also available as per the norms and fully utilized to develop skill content of students .Infrastructure ,staff, tool and Machinery and other facilities are also adequate to impart technical skill among Youth.